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atomic Class Reference

List of all members.

Detailed Description

An atomic integer class.

Useful for threadsafe smart pointers (and probably other stuff too).

Currently implemented in terms of the __exchange_and_add and __atomic_add functions in libstdc++.

Public Methods

 atomic (int val=0)
 Constructs an atomic integer with a given initial value.

word exchange_and_add (int addend)
 Atomically increases the value of the integer and returns its old value.

void add (int addend)
 Atomically increases the value of the integer.

void operator+= (int addend)
 Atomically increases the value of the integer.

void operator-= (int addend)
 Atomically decreases the value of the integer.

void operator++ ()
 Atomically increments the value of the integer.

void operator-- ()
 Atomically decrements the value of the integer.

int operator++ (int)
 Atomically increments the value of the integer and returns its old value.

int operator-- (int)
 Atomically decrements the value of the integer and returns its old value.

 operator int () const
 Returns the value of the integer.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

atomic::atomic int    val = 0

Constructs an atomic integer with a given initial value.

Member Function Documentation

void atomic::add int    addend

Atomically increases the value of the integer.

word atomic::exchange_and_add int    addend

Atomically increases the value of the integer and returns its old value.

atomic::operator int   const

Returns the value of the integer.

int atomic::operator++ int   

Atomically increments the value of the integer and returns its old value.

void atomic::operator++  

Atomically increments the value of the integer.

void atomic::operator+= int    addend

Atomically increases the value of the integer.

int atomic::operator-- int   

Atomically decrements the value of the integer and returns its old value.

void atomic::operator--  

Atomically decrements the value of the integer.

void atomic::operator-= int    addend

Atomically decreases the value of the integer.

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